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Happy Sunday!

I am grateful to all the men who have helped raise a child. Regardless of shared DNA, the best way to describe a father is being present in the life of a child.

Sometimes, a child does not have a father figure until later in life… This scenario is also included in my definition of being a father.

I have been fortunate to have fallen in love with the first man in my life, my daddy!

Some of the wonderful things he taught me are dedication, commitment, compassion, hard work, how to be silly and use humor as currency, and most importantly… the importance of unconditional love!

Daddy was the man who became the measuring stick by which I chose the man I call my husband and the father of our children. I see how our daughters have also chosen amazing men that share similar attributes as their daddy. I see our son become an incredible loving man… Just like his father!

I am grateful for all wonderful fathers in my life. I want to honor the men who have made the life of a child a safer, more loving place on this earth.


(excerpt from “Within My Power” by Forest Witcraft)

One Hundred Years from now
It will not matter
what kind of car I drove,
What kind of house I lived in,
how much money was in my bank account
nor what my clothes looked like.
But the world may be a better place because
I was important in the life of a child.

God Bless all the fathers, stepfathers, foster fathers,

and men who have stepped in as a father.

Happy Father’s Day!


Here are some of the highlights of our Father’s Day Celebration!

Friday:  6/14/24

I am so grateful for this amazing man, as we kickoff the Father’s Day weekend Celebration!!!


The weekend started at the beach and on Sunday, it will end with a surprise jet ski adventure for Robert! (But he does not know about it.)


Saturday: 6/15/24

We picked the one with the longest arms to take a picture, but Blake had to be funny with his assignment. He had to make us laugh!


Ashley, Brittney, and Blake, did a great job honoring Bryan, Eric, & their Dad, during our Father’s Day Celebration!


I pray that your celebration honoring past and present fathers, is memorable!


Here are some important events and workshops in The Classroom that will help with creating positive change in your life:


No Upcoming Events at this time… But please stay tuned!






  • Could a disrupted microbiome be making you sick? It is time to learn about what microbes could be missing from your gut. Join the 6-week Super Gut Course with William Davis, MD.
      • 6-week course 
      • 12 hours of invaluable and life-changing information
      • Cost: $199.00 
      • Click Here to REGISTER or Learn More!


  • Are you having a symptom that your practitioner cannot figure out? Have you given up on feeling well? When was the last time you were symptom free? Perhaps you will find the solution you are looking for. 


  • Optimal Treatment of Disease: This virtual workshop is for healthcare practitioners who want to learn practical protocols for the treatment of disease from Thomas Levy, MD, JD.
    • Learn the protocols and synergies of Vitamin C, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Hydrocortisone in the treatment of disease.
    • Learn protocols to relieve pain and other health symptoms
    • Get answers to specific health questions
    • Cost $399.00
    • Click Here to learn more and register! 
      • When you register for the Optimal Treatment of Disease course, you will also receive the links to download FIVE of Dr. Levy’s digital books!
        • Rapid Virus Recovery
        • Primal Panacea
        • Death by Calcium
        • Magnesium: Reversing Disease
        • Hidden Epidemic



  • 30-Day Raw Vegan Challenge: Have you ever wondered what you would feel like if you only ate real food like nature intended? Well, I did, and it changed my life!
    • Experience your 30 days with our original group!
    • Learn tricks, tips, and most importantly, how to be healthy in an unhealthy world.
    • The challenge runs anytime you want to start!
    • Cost: $49.00 for online videos
    • Accept the Challenge… Purchase Now!


  • Roadmap to Health: Discover the roadmap to pain and symptom relief with Thomas Levy, MD, JD.
    • Online recording of 6-hour workshop will be filled with real science and natural empowering remedies the allopathic community does NOT want you to know.
    • Cost: $350.00 
    • Click Here to learn more and register! 


I am still excited about all last week’s class sessions…  Such great inspirational people who touched my life. I hope you enjoyed them as well. If you missed listening to or watching any of last week’s lessons, there are many ways you can still learn and grow. All new classes are updated to our website on the day they air (Click Here to listen). You can watch my past classes on  YouTube, Facebook, Odysee and BitChute. You can also go to Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastSpotify, TuneIn or iHeartRadio. search for “Lillian McDermott,” and listen to the “podclass,” at your leisure (Click Here to learn more). Let’s continue to Grow Together!



It is a new week and here is what’s happening on

The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom!



Monday, 6/17/24 Facebook Throwback Party 12:05 pm ~ Happy Father’s Day, to all you wonderful fathers! It is that time again when we dissect my newest Florida Today Article with one of my favorite editors and the author of Daddy Duty, Tim Walters. You can find the article online at FloridaToday.com on Tuesday, 6/12/18, and in print, on Thursday, 6/14/18. Tim and I will discuss “The Value of Fathers.”  (Aired 6/13/18)


Tuesday, 6/18/24 Facebook Throwback Party 12:05 pm ~ Are you familiar with Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) bands? Not too long-ago, Mike DeBord, President and CEO of B3 Sciences, came to the classroom to show us how we can hack our body into growing strong muscles with half the weight in half the time! Dr. Mike is one of the top BFR experts in the world. He will share his journey back to health and wellness. He will also teach us how we too can start our journey back to health at any age… especially after 50! Click Here to learn more about the B3 Bands! (Aired 6/21/23)


Wednesday, 6/19/24 WYNAF, Telegram, YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook PREMIERE 12:05 pm ~ As I have shared before, I had chickenpox as a child, and later that same virus came out of remission and became mononucleosis. After I discovered that I had a reactivation of that virus again in 2022, I became serious about learning more about Epstein Barr Virus (EBV). In January 2024, once again EBV reared its ugly head. The same exhaustion I felt as a teenager and in 2022, entered my body. While doing my research, I stumbled upon Ashley Biscoe, ND, of Attune Medical. Because of her, I was able to learn how to test “outside the box.” But after 2 recurrences, it is time to figure out how to reverse and prevent the Epstein-Barr virus. Dr. Biscoe will share how we can identify, prevent, and reverse the Epstein-Barr virus.


Thursday, 6/20/24 WYNAF, Telegram, YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook PREMIERE 12:05 pm ~ Cancer coach Elyn Jacobs is a two-time breast cancer survivor who chose to listen to her body in her treatment of cancer. Her research led her to completely change the way she lives her life. A cancer diagnosis can be devastating. And fear can cripple our decision-making ability. Elyn knows firsthand how important it is to step back when first receiving a cancer diagnosis. She will share the most important things to know prior to choosing any treatment option for a cancer diagnosis. 


Friday, 6/21/24 Facebook Throwback Party 12:05 pm ~ Do you find yourself looking at what could go wrong or the worst case scenario? Many times, we want to stay positive but everywhere you turn, we hear what is bad in our world. The media says, “If it bleeds, it leads!” If you are looking for ways to stay positive, then it is time to create a plan. I will share how to stay focused on what is right, in every situation. (Aired 6/2719)


It is a busy week and I hope you will set your reminder to meet me on the air…  Let’s listen, discuss, and all learn together!


The Lillian McDermott Radio Show/Classroom ~ When You Need a Friend…

LIVE on: Twitter, Telegram, Facebook, YouTube &

Worldwide at WhenYouNeedaFriend.com

LIKE & Follow Me:   FacebookInstagram, & Twitter 

Subscribe:   Website, Odysee, BitChute YouTube!

On Demand:  Amazon Podcast, Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastSpotify, TuneIn or iHeartRadio!


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